The rise of creators in media

How creators are rising more and more in today's media landscape

The rise of creators in media

It’s hard to imagine a world without influencer marketing. Influencer culture has taken over the world and has somewhat altered what it means to be an influencer. The days of being famous on a reality television program or starting a clothing line before fading away are long gone. You want to be an influencer? Now you’ve got to earn it.

Customers now seem to feel more ownership over their feeds than ever before as social media keeps on evolving. They don’t follow the most recent contestant from Love Is Blind; instead they follow content that they truly want to see frequently and resonate with.

It's no secret that during the past ten years, digital marketing has evolved. It appears that brands enjoyed the luxury of buyer ignorance when digital advertisements first began to squeak their way into customers' social media feeds or online periodicals. Since a certain face lotion was recommended by a celebrity they liked, it must be working wonders for them too.

But times are changing and so do generations. Brands need to be more inventive as Gen-Z continues to dominate online purchasing through digital platforms. They are too media savvy to fall for a phony sales pitch. So instead of a glamourized ad, opt for authentic content to target and spark their interests. How? Find creators to create content that is tailored to reach new audiences, like Gen-Z.

Creators are aware of the interests of their audience. Because audiences are no longer fooled by phony sales pitches, if the creators support your product, they will produce content that speaks to them in a way that genuinely promotes conversions better than your brand's marketing team.

So get out their and get your influencer partnerships organized. From there on, start building partnerships with creators who are trustworthy and resonate with your voice and goals. Remember, 1 collaboration is practically no collaboration, so invest in longterm partnerships to find out what work best for you, act on the power of recurrence and reach your desired audience.  Don’t forget that creators know their followers better than anyone and know their way around the algorithm and are frontrunners, or better call them founders of trends on social media.

Layla le Bleu
Layla le Bleu
July 21, 2023