Influencers vs. UGC Creators

What are the differences differences between influencers and UGC creators?

Influencers vs. UGC Creators

What is the difference exactly? On the platform we see both ugc creators, influencers and those who are both! Let’s take you through the difference between each, shall we?

Both influencers and UGC creators create content on behalf of brands with creative direction from the brands that hire them. Either type of creator can adapt your brand’s voice and post the types of content your audience wants to see.

That said, these creators can achieve different goals and results.

What Is a UGC Creator?

UGC (User-Generated Content) creators are individuals who offer their services for creating content on social media platforms. These creators are known for producing content that looks authentic and similar to content created by everyday users.

Unlike influencers, UGC creators do not typically share their branded posts with their own audience, nor are they tagged in promotional posts by brands.

It is best to think of UGC creators as the social media equivalent of paid actors or models in commercials. They are hired to produce content that is visually appealing and compelling, but also looks natural and relatable.

If you have ever come across a promotional post from a brand that appears to be UGC but nobody is tagged, it is likely that the post was created by a UGC creator. These creators usually work on a freelance basis, and many of them also work as influencers.

UGC creators are changing the traditional approach to creating branded content. With their unique blend of creator content and self-promotion, they are creating a new niche in the industry. Some brands have even hired dedicated employees to act as in-house creators.

What is an Influencer?

An influencer is a person with a unique ability to influence the purchasing decisions of others due to their expertise, knowledge, position, or connection with their audience. They have an established group of followers who share the same interests and passions, and they actively engage with them to build relationships that go beyond just marketing tools.

These individuals are not just popular within their niche, but they also have the power to shape the opinions and attitudes of their followers. They can create a buzz around a product or service, generate excitement, or even change the perception of a brand. Their followers trust and value their opinions, and this makes them valuable assets for brands looking to collaborate with them.

Influencers come in different sizes and shapes, and the size of their following varies depending on the size of their niche. Some are micro-influencers with a few thousand followers, while others are macro-influencers with millions of followers. The key is to find an influencer whose niche aligns with your brand, and whose audience resonates with your message.

In today's digital age, influencers have become a vital part of many marketing strategies. They offer a unique opportunity for brands to tap into a new audience, increase their reach, and drive sales. However, it's important to remember that influencers are not just marketing tools. They are real people with real relationships, and building a successful partnership with them requires a mutual understanding and respect.

Are UGC Creators “Better” Than Influencers for Brands?

The purpose of hiring user-generated content (UGC) creators is to produce authentic content to promote to your existing audience, whereas influencers produce authentic content to promote to your audience and introduce your brand to new potential customers.

Both offer similar benefits, including social proof and opportunities to transform customer content into ads. One of the biggest advantages of hiring influencers is the exposure to their audience, which often earns considerably more engagement than the brands they work with, including smaller creators and micro-influencers.

As influencer posts often go viral, exposure to this additional audience is huge for brand awareness. Additionally, modern consumers often turn to influencers' feeds for product recommendations.

Layla le Bleu
Layla le Bleu
March 24, 2023