Choose from the best campaigns, for free!
We do all the heavy lifting so you can find and collaborate with the branded campaigns on our marketplace. Transparent, authentic and instantly rewarding.

Influencers use the Influentials platform to collaborate with brands.
Find campaigns that fit your audience through our insights
Leverage the marketplace to find campaigns by brands that fit your identity and audience. Instantly see rewards and apply to work with the brand to create incredible content. Find collaborations in just one click.
A fully transparent experience: From proposal to payment
Our platform takes care of all negotiations and paperwork so you can focus on being the face of the brand. View campaign rewards upfront, and receive payments problem-free through our integrated payment portal.
Here are a list of features for you:
All our collaboration agreements are compliant with the current legal requirements.
Your personalised profile page extensively showcases all your details and stats for brands to see.
Our automated invoicing system simplifies payment processing and lets you transfer from its wallet to your bank account.
You are presented with a roster of new campaigns from which you can apply for what suits you best.